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The float serve is a popular serve in volleyball that can be challenging for the opposing team to handle due to its unpredictable trajectory. Unlike other serves, such as the topspin serve or jump serve, the float serve does not spin or curve, making it difficult for the receiving team to predict its path. In this blog, we will discuss how to execute a float serve in volleyball.

  1. Hold the Ball Correctly. To execute a float serve, the first step is to hold the ball correctly. The ball should be held with the fingertips, rather than the palms of the hands. This allows for greater control and accuracy when hitting the ball.
  2. Use a Flat Hand. Unlike other serves that use a specific hitting motion, such as the topspin or jump serve, the float serve is hit with a flat hand. This means that the hand should be held straight and firm when hitting the ball, with the fingers spread slightly apart.
  3. Strike the Ball. To execute the float serve, the player should strike the ball with a firm and steady motion. The goal is to hit the ball in the center, creating a flat and straight trajectory that does not spin. This can be achieved by using the momentum of the body to propel the ball forward.
  4. Follow Through. After hitting the ball, the player should follow through with their hitting motion. This means that the hand should continue forward, rather than stopping abruptly after hitting the ball. A smooth and consistent follow-through will help to create a clean and accurate serve.

Tips for Executing a Successful Float Serve:

  1. Practice, practice, practice! The float serve requires a lot of practice to master, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't work perfectly the first time.
  2. Stay relaxed and focused. Tension in the body can make it difficult to execute a successful float serve, so try to stay relaxed and focused on the task at hand.
  3. Visualize the trajectory of the ball. Before serving, visualize the trajectory of the ball in your mind, imagining it floating over the net and dropping quickly once it crosses over.
  4. Experiment with different ball placements. Depending on the situation, different ball placements can be more effective for executing a successful float serve. Experiment with different angles and heights to find what works best for you.

In conclusion, the float serve is a valuable tool in volleyball that can be challenging for the opposing team to handle. By following these steps and practicing regularly, players can improve their float serve skills and become more effective on the court. So, grab a ball and start practicing your float serve today!