Volleyball for beginners. It is never too late to start playing volleyball. It is never too late to acquire a new life skill.
Is it too boring to go to the gym? You spend hours alone on the machines or even in the group classes where you don’t talk to the most of your classmates and still completely on your own? Unless you have your own expensive personal trainer your development programme and progress merely your own concern. Unless you have a strict discipline, work hard and make your workout routine you meet your fitness goals and your gym membership investment pays off. In most cases it is not the case and a percentage of people giving up early on their fitness resolution is too high with most people not extending their gym membership for the second year.
What is a solution? If you have time and money and looking to keep fit and tone up your body why spend hours on machines in a gym without learning anything? If you start playing a sport it is not only you meet your fitness goals but you will also acquire new skills which you can only improve going forward, you will also find new friends and make your workout routine fun, social and enjoyable.
It is never too late to start a new sport, especially volleyball. Apart from all the health benefits that volleyball brings together it is a very social game that can be played at any level and any adult age. Have you heard of veteran volleyball tournaments widely played in many countries? People in age categories 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+ compete on a regular basis and have so much fun doing their favourite hobby. They can be in a team for many years having built long friendships with their teammates.
One of the benefits which makes volleyball stand out from many sports and make it accessible and safe to start playing in any age is that volleyball is one of the 4 non-contact team sports unlike basketball, football, handball and many others. The other 3 team non-contact sports are cricket, rowing and ultimate frisbee – all of which are not easily available, accessible and popular in the world.
With volleyball being a non-contact sport it makes it a perfect sport for social mixed games. It is so much fun when men and women can play together, couples can spend quality time together and you can easily make friends with the same or opposite gender.
{gallery}blog/08-06-2020/gallery1{/gallery}Over the last few years in our Academy we have had people in their late 30ies, 40ies and 50ies coming and picking up volleyball from scratch. They learn the basic skills in beginner classes where they find likeminded people from different backgrounds and abilities, they progress on their skills, join the teams and start playing their level leagues and tournaments.
{gallery}blog/08-06-2020/gallery2{/gallery}The good news is that you have plenty of opportunities within our Academy to progress and develop further your skills to the next level. All our trainings are divided by level of play. Once you have developed your basic skills and wish to improve your game you can join to the next level group. You can make volleyball a part of your lifestyle at a relax and social level or you can be at a competitive level and play regional and national leagues which have not age limits at the amateur level.
{gallery}blog/08-06-2020/gallery3{/gallery}Moreover, it is not only you can play volleyball with your life partner whether in your weekly working routine and on holidays but you can easily make volleyball your family sport and have your kids playing volleyball as well. Can you imagine spending the quality time together with all your family engaging in the same hobby and even playing as one team in tournaments. We have seen it all, of course. Moms and dads coming with their kids together to learn how to play. A mom and a daughter playing competitively in the same team while their farther/grandfarther refereeing the match. We have seen two dads with their two each sons and daughters making one team and wining a league while their moms/wives with younger kids coming to every match to support their families. They all had the best and uniting time together.
{gallery}blog/08-06-2020/gallery4{/gallery}And to finish off on a lifestyle skill, once you learn basic skills in volleyball and start playing regularly it becomes so addictive so you don’t want to stop. It becomes your lifestyle. Moreover, it becomes your life skill which opens up many doors for you in your life. With the world so mobile as it is now we often find ourselves in a new place or a country – a foreign place, a foreign country where we know nobody and may not even speak fluently the language. Moreover, the older we become the more difficult we find it to make new friends. But what it the better way to instantly find new friends in any place and at any age if not through your hobby. With volleyball widely played in many countries in the world rest assured you will always find likeminded people who love and play volleyball at both social and competitive levels in most of countries and cities. You will find them through local volleyball clubs or meet up groups and you will always make new local friends much quicker than any of your colleagues who don’t have any hoobies to share. And of course, the better you play volleyball the more doors you will have open in any place. Good players are always welcome everywhere and are invited to all volleyball gatherings like teams, clubs, tournaments, social and even parties.
Don’t put off until tomorrow. Start learning volleyball today. Enjoy if for the rest of your life.
Check out our classes for different levels and send us any questions you have. You will fully fall in love with the sport once you start playing.

See you soon on the court!
PS If you are not fully familiar with volleyball rules and basic skills watch out our Complete Guide for Volleyball Beginners in out next blog.