Volleyball training term 2 registration now open, book your trial now!

Info and registration: WhatsApp: +971 55 390 9376 E-mail: info@riovolley.com

You loved it. You played it. You stopped.

But you always wanted to come back. You always wanted to play volleyball again. Whether it was a busy job, studies, family and kids time seemed never be there for you to play your favourite game again. You used to play for your school team, university, a club or even a national team. Stopped. Moved on. Life took you to pastures new. You may even changed. One thing that hasn’t changed – your passion and love for volleyball. How many times you caught yourself saying – I wish I would play again. But then heard your inner voice whispering – no…too old, too long since I last played.

The idea, however, never left you. Sometimes it bothered you. You saw pictures and posts of your friends still playing or had come back playing. Or you bumped onto your old pictures of your university team bringing up bright memories of good old days of tournaments, competitions, joy of winning and being part of a team or a community. And bam! One night after the kids gone bed and you have some time to yourself, you open Goolge and type in: volleyball in Dubai or volleyball in Abu Dhabi.

And you find us. Easily. You are just about to contact us but then you hear your inner voice whispering again: too old, to long back I touched the ball, cant jump anymore. Finally after making your first win over your inner voice you get in touch and come for a training. Hallelujah. Welcome to the club :).

Dear All! You are not alone! Nearly everyone who came to us had battles with their inner voices and doubts. Most of our advanced and intermediate team players used to play volleyball back home and long time ago. Moved to the UAE, settled, started new jobs, looked after their kids and then decided to start playing volleyball again which is amazing! Nearly everyone came so shy and scared with lots of doubts:

  • I am not good enough any more for a team
  • I will not fit the team. Everyone so much better
  • Its been 10 years since I last played
  • I cant remember when was the last time I touched the ball
  • I am not fit any more
  • I am too old to play tournaments
  • I cannot commit to all trainings because of my family and kids

As with everything in life – once you win over your fears you get all the rewards. You come to the trainings, your find a team of your level, you find most players coming after a long volleyball break in their lives. They train, the skills come back, they join a team and start playing leagues and tournaments. They train, they laugh. They laugh and train hard again. They win, they loose. They feel 16 again with all those feelings of belonging to a team, training together, going for tournaments together and of course going out and hitting occasionally a dance floor together. Moreover, they bring their partners, spouses and kids making volleyball part of their family lifestyles.


Whatever point of your life you are at you are welcome to join our cub any time. Players stick together for years and you will be welcome to start playing volleyball again either socially or competitively. We have teams and training groups to fit any level and any age:

  • Women Team Wildcats – advanced
  • Men Team Old Glory – advanced
  • Women Team Stella – intermediate
  • Women Team Ice Queens – intermediate
  • Men Team Scorpions – intermediate
  • Women Teams DubaiStars & Stars– local women only teams
  • Morning only ladies groups
  • Beginner groups – both men and women
  • Kids Academy with kids trainings across Dubai and Abu Dhabi

There are leagues and tournaments both social and competitive most teams play:

  • Dubai Volleyball League. Men & Women – competitive
  • Abu Dhabi Volleyball League. Mixed – social
  • UAE National League – Team Wildcats

And, of course, with vast beaches and plenty of sunshine in the UAE we play beach volleyball – lots of it - nearly all year round. From beginner training and social play to a competitive and intensive advanced training. Ages vary from 10 to 60 years old. For many beach volleyball is just a lifestyle. When it gets too hot in summer time we go to with beach volleyball camps in the best European locations: UK, Austria, Slovenia, Moldova to name a few.


You decide when you are ready to start playing volleyball again and we will welcome you with plenty of opportunities whenever you are ready.

See you soon!