Our Kids Volleyball Academy in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, UAE has a proven record of delivering successful volleyball trainigs to the kids of ages 6 to 18. With a team of professional coaches coming from the worlds leading volleyball nations like Brazil, Italy, Russia, Poland and Cuba the kids are guaranteed not only professional volleyball development but also fun, social and team building atmosphere at all training sessions.
The Volleyball Academy operates in a number of schools throughout Dubai and Abu Dhabi where the training sessions are available on regular basis as Extra-Curriculum Activities and during off school hours in the late afternoons or weekends.
{gallery}blog/04-06-2020/gallery1{/gallery}During half-term and school holidays the Academy runs multiple volleyball training camps with 3 hour daily intensive trainings. With 15 hours of weekly trainings the kids dramatically improve their progress after completing each camp. The kids love the camps as its not only that they can play their favourite game for few hours every day but they have so much fun spending quality time with their new and old friends.
{gallery}blog/04-06-2020/gallery2{/gallery}During summer holidays we run kids training camps abroad. Since most of the kids go back home to Europe for summer its is a perfect way to spend some weeks at the camps improving their game and preparing for the next season when they come back to the UAE.
There are different levels of volleyball development in the Academy – from social play to a competitive level. Some kids prefer to play volleyball socially to release their daily stress and spend time with their friends and some prefer to develop to a competitive level to play in a school or later a university team or a club. Whatever your goal is there are levels to fit all kids.
The talented young athletes are invited to an Elite Development Programme which leads to a semi-professional or professional level and gives an opportunity to apply for volleyball scholarships in the universities around the world.
UAE is the country which has been blessed with vast sandy beaches and a perfect weather at least 6-7 months a year. Beach volleyball is a big part of development programme within the Academy. Kids are looking forward for each training sessions. Sun, sea, sand, favourite game and friends are all vital parts of kids full enjoyment of beach volleyball. Regular weekly trainings as well as beach volleyball trainings camps are available throughout a year.
{gallery}blog/04-06-2020/gallery3{/gallery}One of the important parts of everybody’s development in volleyball is an opportunity to play tournaments and matches. Nearly every single child walking to his first training session without having a clue how to play volleyball asks when he will be playing a match. There are plenty of opportunities to play matches and tournaments whether at inter-school leagues or internal leagues both indoor and beach volleyball.

If you are looking for your child to take up volleyball as a new sport or progress further his existing skills we have plenty of opportunities to meet your requirements and goals. Contact us and book your classes whenever you are ready.
The Reasons to Love That Your Child is Playing Volleyball
- It is one of the three most popular sports played in the world for both men and women. There are more than 200 nations that are members of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB). That is more than any other sport in the world.
- In the U.S., for example, volleyball is the No. 1 girls team sport in high school (in terms of participation). There are more than 10,000 scholarships at the college level in US, Canada and Europe.
- It is a sport for a lifetime. You can start by having great fun games with your 3-year-old and a balloon or beach ball. Did you know your child could still be playing at the USAV Open National Championships 50 years from now? The USAV Opens has age groups of 79-plus. William G. Morgan may have created volleyball in 1895 as a less-strenuous option, but the modern game develops and expects good fitness, not just fun.
- It teaches teamwork in ways few sports can. No one player can “star” on a volleyball team. Good volleyball at any age is played with three hits. Volleyball teams learn to “Better the Ball,” which is a great trait in life. This team sport teaches about leadership, failure and success and so much more. It is incredibly challenging but needs little equipment other than perhaps knee pads. By challenging, we mean it is a rebound sport, like tennis, badminton, and even golf. But players must learn to do it ALL with their own bodies. You can’t buy the latest racquet or bat to “play better.” Your WHOLE body is legal to use, so you get an all-around workout. You can play on grass, sand, wood, snow and water.
- Interested in a sport that you can watch on the beach while also getting some sun? That’s beach volleyball for your child, and it is currently the fastest growing NCAA sport in the US. Even though indoor and beach volleyball are two different sports, most of the indoor volleyball skills transfer to beach, making it a perfect gateway to beach volleyball.
- With the growing rate of concussion injuries in contact sports, volleyball has become the place to go for parents and children concerned about future head injuries. While the occasional injuries still occur, you won’t see as many collisions and more serious injuries are more avoidable.
- Volleyball helps teach important lessons in perseverance, teamwork, and selflessness. Volleyball helps prepare children to move on to the next stage in their life, whether that be high school volleyball, college, or the work force. It has a large community and can create a network of people with whom to work and form lasting friendships.
We look forward to seeing you at the academy.